The unfortunate truth is that most Americans have little idea on how to avoid college debt: More than 40 million people are currently repaying $1.3 trillion in student loans. Since his children were born, author John F. Wasik remained committed to an important goal: putting them through college without taking on any debt.

The Debt-Free Degree is a straightforward book on how to strategize a plan against student loans and is a must-read for anyone facing or paying off college debt.
Divided into three parts, the book will help you: save for college well before you apply; avoid debt after you have been accepted to some schools; and greatly reduce the burden of debt if you’ve already graduated and are currently in repayment. Wasik bridges the information gap on how pay off loans and provides multiple strategies on renegotiating or consolidating them. He sources tips from experts all over the country and outlines his own personal journey of helping his daughter navigate the college maze.
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