Last year, Drake told us he was “way up” because he was feeling blessed. This weekend, Drizzy helped explain why he was “way up” again and he used One Direction to make his point even more clear.
“Up is my one direction like I’m Harry Styles 👆,” Aubrey said on IG last night.
This, of course, isn’t the first time Drake’s referenced the boy band. Remember “Believe Me?” “Doesn’t matter, could be winter or the summer/ On the road, I do One Direction numbers,” he rhymed. “I don’t f–kin’ miss.” I suspect Harry Styles liked that line, too.
Speaking of which…Remember that time Drake kept telling people he was, “Harry Styles, though?”
As you can probably imagine, just the mere mention of One Direction and Harry made fans lose their chill online. Directioners went on OMG-overload.
DRAKE MENTIONED HARRY STYLES OMG IM DEAD— ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ (@melindaferraro) November 2, 2015
"Up is my one direction like Harry styles" OMFG DRAKE JUST GAVE HARRY A SHOUT OUT OMG— ❁Ladan❁ (@DrunkkinMalik_) November 2, 2015
up is my one direction like im harry styles oMG drAKE— champagne pepe (@HOTLINESUSHI) November 2, 2015
But the fan love didn’t end there. Of course they want a collab, too.
wheres my drake/harry styles collab tho??— Samantha Jo (@YOLOmantha) November 2, 2015
@Harry_Styles @Drake hotline bling remix collab pls???— nessa (@burbharry) November 2, 2015
Now that 1D is taking a break — after performing their last tour for some time this weekend — we know that collab actually could e a possibility. Think we’ll hear Harry on Drizzy’s long awaitedViews From The 6?
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