Meet a 28-year-old yogi, Valerie Sagun, who has been practicing hatha yoga for the past four years. Hatha is a set of physical exercises, known as asanas, that are designed to align your skin, muscles, and bones.
Sagun, from San Jose, California, started her Instagram Big Gal Yoga a year and a half ago.
“At first, I only did Tumblr. But when I got to 10,000 followers and people asked me to join Instagram, I decided to go for it. It can be hard for bigger women to find good leggings,” she says. But, let’s face it, she looks flawless.
“I’ve never really felt self-conscious about my body during yoga classes,” Sagun admits. “For me, yoga is all about the mind and positive thinking. I get anxiety and depression, and practicing has helped me through that.”
She’s always down to try new things, like using a yoga wheel. “It helps to open your back a lot more during stretches,” Sagun says.
“Acro yoga was one thing, especially as a bigger-bodied person, that I was scared and doubtful to try,” Sagun writes on her Instagram. “But it was so fun to practice.”
As Sagun loves yoga, she’s currently trying to become a teacher. “Everyone who is interested in yoga should feel comfortable practicing it,” she says.
“By being a curvy woman of color, I get to show a lot of underrepresented people that they are capable of anything. We need more diversity so that, one day, diversity just becomes something normal that happens everywhere,”she says.
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