Mo’Nique said: “The person that you stood up and you said: ‘For better, for worse, sickness and in health, richer or poorer’. You took those vows in front of the universe. If you don’t live by them, then maybe you shouldn’t have taken them. And when you say ‘a pass to cheat’… see when you’re with your best friend and you say to your best friend ‘I’m having these feelings about this person, sexually and I want to share it with you’ when you’re best friends, you can have those open and honest conversations.”
The Oscar award winning actress said most times people that cheat in a relationship or marriage do that because they are lacking something in that relationship.

Mo’Nique said: “Often times people cheat because of something they not getting. But when you have open and honest dialogue and you say we’re just human beings and all these people on the face of the earth, do you think my eyes won’t ever say ‘he’s fine’ or ‘she’s attractive’. Now if you want to go further with it, let’s be honest enough to have those conversations. What is it about that person that you find that you want to sleep with? Because they may give you something that I’m simply not willing to do. And if that’s the case, how can I be mad? Because I’m not going’ do it. Should I deprive you of not having it? That’s when the relationship is real real.”
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