Waooo so you made it to December 2015. Its really a privilege from God that out of millions of people in fact billions that died this year the Lord found you worthy to be among the living my friend you think Its your doing no be your power my friend many strong and wealthy beautiful influential people wey done go.
Oya give him praise and stop worrying stop murmuring and complaining about what he has not done what he need you to do now is to appreciate him he has done too much when we cultivate the habit of praise the heavens will let loose on our behalf and you see those others request will Manifest oya make we appreciate and and acknowledge his grace and mercy over our life so that he will see you through to the end of the year there's power in a praise!
Happy Last Month Of The Year!! Pls no Plagiarism try to reference the author lol.
Author Ennydiamond Grace Eniola
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